Friday 24 October 2008

Guilt free shopping in the credit crunch? You'll be lucky

The main problem I had with going to Africa was that I needed to buy stuff like a sleeping bag, mosquito net and insect repellent which of course you can’t really get in your local Oxfam. So, I’m ashamed to say, I went to a high street camping shop and spent far too much money on these travel ‘essentials’, most of which I didn’t even use. The other problem I had was that my chemical free lifestyle had to go on hold. I took biodegradable soap of course, but taking anti-malarial medication, taking anti-histamines and using DEET don’t go hand in hand with my paraben free shampoo and organic veg. But I didn’t commit the usual sin of holiday clothes shopping and buying a load of new clothes – well, I did buy new clothes but they were all from charity shops and I’ll wear them next summer too.

Since being back I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have this urge to buy new stuff. You would think that seeing people who live on next to nothing would make me feel privileged but walking round the shops, I just want to buy things. I could easily spend hundreds on new clothes and shoes in the high street if I wasn’t the sensible, restrained person with great self control that I am. And in this time of ‘financial crisis’, ‘credit crunch’ and start of a recession it’s really inappropriate. I must admit, I did by a t-shirt in Next but it was organic. Apart from that I’ve been good, and again I have been saved by charity shops. I found a long jumper (just like the ones I was pining over in the high street the other day) in Oxfam for £4 and some lovely brown boots in another charity shop. Even though I still feel guilty about spending the money, as I am overdrawn and should be saving for a rainy day, I feel better knowing that my money has gone to a good cause. It’s not quite guilt free shopping, but the closest I’m going to get to it for a while!

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