Friday 31 October 2008

Attempts at sustainability or just eco-marketing?

Everywhere you look at the moment the big companies are trying to do their bit for the environment. For example, Ariel have been doing their ‘turn to 30’ campaign for a while now, with reportedly excellent success. They have also tried to address the issue of clean water with their campaign where they give 10 litres of drinking water for every special pack they sell. Volvic are also doing a similar campaign with their ‘1 litre for 10 litre’ promotion. But are these attempts at eco-marketing enough? If volvic went all out for sustainability, switched their plastic bottles for biodegradable corn bottles like Belu then I’d commend them. It just seems like some of these efforts are rather half hearted. Arial are kind of missing the point with their water campaign as to dilute the chemicals in one load of laundry to a safe level requires up to 12000 litres of water (as reported in ecologist magazine). Which makes the 10 litres of clean water seem rather insignificant. But I suppose any efforts from a major multinational are a step in the right direction.

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