Friday, 25 June 2010

Freedom: the choice is yours

As I sit in my garden, watching the woodlice explore the cracks in the patio and listening to the bees visiting the sweet peas, I can’t help but remember over hearing a conversation on the train the other day. A woman was telling her friend how she emailed her boss at 3am because she was so worried about work she couldn’t sleep. Now I bet she doesn’t feel she has the time to watch woodlice and what a shame. I was reading about freedom on the train and how freedom isn’t about escaping responsibilities but respecting them as well as other people’s freedom. Sadly, the woman on the train probably doesn’t realise that she has freedom (as most of us in the modern world do) as we create cages for ourselves with work and perceived responsibilities. We allow ourselves to become trapped in consumerism and the rat race when there really is no need. Why trade our freedom for the choice between designer brands?

So, whilst blissfully soaking up the sun and admiring how nature has managed to overcome the paving slabs and grow a willow tree in the smallest possible amount of soil, I realised that whilst 9-5 doesn’t feel like freedom, we are all still free. We just need to remember that. If we enjoy the simple pleasures in life, make the most of what we have rather than striving for more money, more stuff, more responsibility, then we can feel free. I for one will try to remember this, although it’s going to be hard the next time I get soaked to the skin on my way to work at 6am when I’d rather be in bed!

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