Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Retail therapy and keeping up with the Jones'

Modern life is hard. We all know it. It's drummed into us to aspire to be more and have more. It's like being content is a bad thing. This sense of urgency to change takes its toll. Recently I've been feeling a little low, if I'm honest. I'm not ascending the career ladder, I'm not going onto bigger and better things and I'm not buying into the keeping-up-with-the-Jones' crap. How do you combat this feeling of inadequacy? How do I feel content with just being where I am? If I tell people I feel down I get well meaning advice of "go buy some new clothes" or "get your hair done", "that will cheer you up". Firstly, would anyone offer those suggestions to a man in my situation? I doubt it. Secondly, why would spending money on superficial dressings cheer me up? To be fair, hiding those grey hairs would stop me from scowling at the mirror every time I pass one! But that's not the point. 

Maybe I need time out from the day to day stuff, take the kids for a long walk in the woods, or hold my partners hand whilst watching the sunset. Sounds wonderful but it's not always practical, especially in the great British weather! Maybe I'll just spend a few days 'slowing down' and trying to enjoy the little things for a change. My sense of self worth and happiness can be shaped by the little people in my life, not by what other people think I should look like or be achieving. My kids won't be little for much longer, but those shops, courses, jobs and hairdressers are always going to be there. I've got plenty of time for that sort of thing later. Right now I'm going to forget about the world and try to be content as a pillow for my baby!